Thursday, February 20, 2014

On Brotherly Love

When I was pregnant with my first son, Bobbin, I didn't know how i would feel about this new person coming into my life. Here was this new little creature that gave me 10 months of misery and sickness, but after he was born I couldn't believe how much love I was capable of. As it does, time passed and our lives changed. Bobbin and I found ourselves in a new family, with a new husband for me and a new step father for him. To complete our little family we decided to have a baby, Bobbin couldn't wait to be a brother but I was worried. I knew I had enough love in me for both boys, but would they feel the same? Would they resent me, or worse each other, for having to share..well, everything?

Button turned 9 months old for Valentines day and I couldn't have received a greater gift then bearing witness to the love that my boys share. Bobbin is a compassionate, generous brother who wakes up every morning and first thing goes to say good morning to Button. Button couldn't be more in love with his big brother. His eyes dance when he sees him and he can't help but let out a squeal or a giggle. Most of the time they are inseparable, you can always find Bobbin playing with little Button nearby or close behind. They build castles, wrestle, snuggle and comfort each other. Now don't get me wrong, they have their squabbles but underneath it all there is this undeniable genuine affection and they always end up solving it with a hug or a kiss on the forehead.

This may seem like a obvious post, you may be saying "Yea, So two brothers love each other, So what?" but have you ever sat down and thought of what a remarkable occurrence this is? The fact that two complete strangers could come together, be forced into sharing their homes, their lives and even their mother and not just put up with each other but truly adore each other, just blows my mind. Think about what we could do with that kind of love; change lives, build hope, rewrite this world?

Every time I look at my sons, I see a peek into 'things to come'. Let me tell you, the future is bright. I see beautiful, awesome things and above all, Love.

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